A man showed up at my hostel on Caye Caulker and handed me this photo of me and my sisters on the beach in front of the family home where my mother still currently lives, and which he took 35 years earlier, & the the last time he was on the island. He said he had brought it in the hopes of finding us and was happy when he did. I wish I could remember his name to thank him again. I cherish this only photo I have of me and my siblings together from those days.

Oldest to youngest in right order from left to right. Big Sis Sharon, Mid Sis's Wendy & Diane and me, the baby, sitting shyly in the corner. Can't see what I got for my present, but I can note that I've had my hippy style of dress from way back when, check out the hippie pants probably made of hemp. My two older sis have pretty dresses on, some with lace, never my style, but nice & feminine.
The time was Christmas Day, and we were under the coconut trees in the front yard opening our presents we got from Santa, like tiny bikes and Chinese Checkers. Note the special Santa Sack that we would hang up to receive our presents in : onion bags from granny & grandpa's grocery store! The only grocery store on the island in those days. Our underwear was sometimes hand-sewn from the 100% cotton sacks the flour came in. This photo brought back great childhood memories of growing up on Caye Caulker, and we all looked happy.
